About me

Full Stack Web Developer excited to help clients solve problems using a range of front and back end technologies. I have a certificate in Ruby on Rails from the Iron Yard bootcamp and a certificate in Web Development from Georgia Institute of Technology. Using my proficiency in HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Jquery I have developed numerous projects working in groups and individually. I always push myself to solve new problems using the technologies I know , but also enjoy learning new technologies and solutions.


I'm originally from Tampa, Florida. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Advertising from the University of Florida with a minor in History in 2008. I have lived and worked in the Atlanta area since 2009. More recently I have been enrolled in a Web Development Bootcamp at Georgia Institue of Technology learning the skills needed to become proficient in front-end and back-end web development technologies including but not limited to Javascipt, HTML, CSS.

When I'm not doing that I enjoy hiking, rock climbing, and all things out doors. I enjoy learning new things which leads me to read alot of books and pick up hobbies. A jack of all trades, master of none I can, crochet, garden, cook, play bocce, play the banjo, fly fish, and build ships in bottles.



Email: daniel.cornnell@gmail.com

Phone: 727-421-7609

Github: dcornnell

Linkedin: Dan

Resumé: here